I have great respect for the work my father and grand-father and great-uncle put in and the art that was taught and passed down to me. I am guided and influenced by their memory and hope to some day leave a similar legacy.
I started working in my fathers shop at a young age doing repairs. By the age of twelve I built my first instrument, a Requinto Romantico which I still own and play to this day.
The methods my father and grandfather used to build is how I still build today.
Keeping true to the style and integrity of hand-made instruments is my intention.
My oldest daughter Ava began helping me in the shop at the age of 4. We are so proud that in 2018, at the age of 10, she finished building her first instrument – a mandolin. She broke my record by 2 years and is extending our passion and luthier tradition into its 4th generation. Her work was featured at the Tennessee Arts Commission as part of the Tennessee Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program.